About Us

Who we are

Foremost, we are advocates of accessible education. 

We understand that the efficient, timely and cost-effective distribution of learning materials is the foundation of quality higher learning, something we believe enriches not only students, but all of humanity.

We are a globally focused company based in Australia, with partner universities in Australia, as well as in New Zealand, Singapore and the United States. 

We really listen to feedback and stand alone with our commitment to quality improvement.

As the world’s only provider of effective copyright control functionality, we offer the only digital resource distribution platform that can deliver indisputable return on investment – and deliver it quickly  – typically in under 90 days.

Who we work with

eReserve Plus has been built with a passion for innovation. The universities that ‘get’ us know this and share that inclination.

They appreciate our determination to make the entire process of digital resource distribution as efficient, cost effective and relevant as it can be, so that everybody wins.

They understand that ongoing review of granular usage data is crucial to improving student outcomes.

They get excited about solving complex problems with simple, elegant, solutions.

They want to work with people who listen, understand their needs and are adaptable enough to succeed within the limitations presented by any work environment.

How we work

“Everybody wins” is the philosophy that guides not only what we do, but how we do it.

Good software makes processes more efficient. But great software comes from understanding the people that use it, and helping them work together, better.

eReserve Plus empowers individuals and teams by removing obstacles, automating frustrating ‘busy work’ and cutting out needless double-handling.

We see ourselves as more than vendors – we’re partners with our customers. 

We know that rounding up purchase orders is a drag – so we don’t charge ongoing support fees- support is included.

We know every university is different – which is why our product is flexible to cater to many operational models and is designed to solve unique problems.

We really care about providing a positive and smooth deployment process. We’re flexible. We’re adaptable and transparent. We work with our partners to develop an onboarding plan that takes into account whatever challenges unique to their environment. 

And we don’t try to sell our partners functionality they don’t need.

We don’t cost our partners money. We deliver huge savings.  eReserve Plus delivers insight into student engagement, resource usage and helps inform better budgetary and subscription decisions with real-time analytics.

Why eReserve Plus?

There are some great reasons to work with eReserve Plus. These include:

  • We’re agile.
  • We embrace innovation.
  • We’re obsessed with ROI.
  • We work for everybody.
  • We’re flexible.
  • We work with you

Welcome to eReserve Pty Ltd.  Our Company has created new copyright management and reporting software that competes very successfully across the globe with other software packages servicing the education sector and other bodies delivering access to copyright materials.

Our eReserve Plus software has the potential to solve efficiency and copyright management issues that afflict the education sector in Australia and around the world.  We know that eReserve Plus will save cash strapped universities, colleges and educational providers significant resources in the better management of copyright materials and allow more cost effective access to education for students.

During my life as an academic I experienced first hand the frustration of time spent attending to administrative tasks, such as copyright materials management, when as a teacher I would have preferred to be challenging my students with educational experiences and learning.

My family valued education and reading and we were encouraged to explore and develop knowledge and imagination through books. eReserve is an important tool to assist in lowering the cost of education and access to study material. I have worked in the software and digital sector for over 20 years and have developed software that solves problems for a variety of sectors, from education and investment finance to entertainment and social networking.  As a professional software producer I have designed a variety of applications that have touched upon copyright management including print solutions and workflow.  I believe that eReserve Plus is the most flexible, comprehensive and efficient package for addressing the need to manage and report on copyright usage.

Our vision for our eReserve copyright reporting software is to provide a fast, accurate and efficient copyright and digital material distribution system.

 eReserve Plus allows teachers and students to access copyright study materials in an efficient manner, increasing flexible learning opportunities, efficient copyright reporting and compliance, and cost effective access to education.

I see access to education and copyright study materials as key parts of the means to develop inspiration, boldness, passion and curiosity in students and enrich humanity.

Karey Patterson 

eReserve CEO and Managing Director